Sunday, February 16, 2014


Daniel  Pinkwater 

11 year old Borgel, who has lived with the family ever since Melvin since birth, decides to leave one night and invites Melvin and his talking dog to come along. Off they go in Borgel's 1937 Dorbzeldgestet sedan for 
a trip through time and an unforgettable journey 

This falls under the category of  Science fiction . Filled with realistic characters but events not could not entirely take place 

Class Activity
 Activity 1 would be a treasure hunt with planet like treasures. This will involve all students and keep everyone interactive. I would give them clues and let them hunt.

Activity 2 would be hot/cold. In this activity I would hide treats and multiple household items and say “hot” or “cold” when a student is near a scientific object.


Daniel Manus Pinkwater (born November 15, 1941) is an American author of children's books and "Young Adult" fiction. Well-known books include Lizard Music, The Snarkout Boys and the Avocado of Death, Fat Men from Space, Borgel, and the picture book The Big Orange Splot.

Personal Evaluation 

This style of writing is a key book in the classroom environment. It deals with adventure and suspense . There is never a dull moment. These are great for students to read in leisure time also. 

Daniel Pinkwater. (2014, February 16). Wikipedia. Retrieved from

The Billion Dollar Boy

The Billion Dollar Boy 
Charles Sheffield 

In the billion dollar boy, a spoiled and overweight 15 year old boy Cheever is bores he convinces his mother to take him on a space cruise.  They were not prepared and He alone accessed the node network alone.  He hurtles the asteroid belt and finds himself 27 light years to the Messina cloud. After being rescued by a mining family he journeys home for three months and learns that wealth and his financial status means nothing when trying to survive

This book falls under Science Fiction and is deals with science topics and a themed story filled with adventure

Class Activities 

Activity 1 : I consider this a very informative book . I want my students to be well rounded  I would assign a science to my students where each students would have to choose a planet and find out as much information as they can, then present it to the class. 

Activity 2 : I would assign my students an imaginary planet and on their planet they would have to create laws and regulations to make sure the citizens live rightfully. This exercise would allow he students to think outside of the box.


 Charles Cheffield ,born on  June 25 1935  , was an English born math mathematician , physicist and science fiction author who was the president of the Science Fiction and Fantasy writers of America. 

He was the chief Scientist at earth Satellite corporation. 

He also won the Nebula award for his novel Georgia on My Mind . A novel that deals with widowhood and  a quest of a legendary baggage computer 

Personal Evaluation 
 I applaud the author for his imagination . These kind of novels and stories can be used to stretch the imagination of students . 


Charles Sheffield. (2014, February 16). Wikipedia. Retrieved from

The True Story of Pocahontas

The True Story of Pocahontas 
Dr. Linwood “Little Bear” Custalow


Matoaka was the gorgeous and sparkling daughter of Powhatan, ruler of the land that the English named Virginia. "Pocahontas" was her childhood name She is most famous for her relationship with John Smith. Pocahontas was only 11 when she met John Smith who was 28 years of age. John Smith met Pocahontas when she "rescued" him from execution. Powhatan then adopted Smith as his son.

Personal Evaluation 

This falls under the category of  folktale 

Class Room Activity
 Activity 1 : would be telephone. I choose this game because during trading with the Native Americans they had a huge language barrier. So this game will teach students how words can be misconstrued.

 Activity 2 would be a picture story. Students would draw four or five pictures and dedicate a story with each picture

(No picture available )

Dr. Linwood “Little Bear” Custalow was born on the Mattaponi Reservation in West Point, the eldest son of Chief Daniel Webster “Little Eagle” and Mary “White Feather” Custalow. Early in life he was given the mission of learning the oral history of his tribe and of the Powhatan Nation as passed down by his father, his grandfather, and those that came before.

Personal Evaluation 
 I enjoyed the real version  because it gives a version of history and a taste of the story I knew as a young girl . 

Welcome to Fulcrum Books. (n.d.). Welcome to Fulcrum Books. Retrieved from

The Cat Who Came Indoors

The Cat who Came Indoors : 
A story From Nelson Mandela's Favorite African Folk Tales 
Edited by Nelson Mandela 

Nelson Mandela's Favorite African Folktales

Once upon a time, there was a cat, a wild cat, who lived all by herself out in the bush. After a while she got tired of living alone and took herself a husband, another wild cat who she thought was the finest creature in all the jungle.
One day, as they strolled together along the path through the tall grass, swish, out of the grass jumped Leopard, and Cat’s husband was bowled over, all fur and claws, into the dust. 
“O-oh!” said Cat. “I see my husband is covered in dust and is not the finest creature in all the jungle. It is Leopard.” So Cat went to live with Leopard.
They lived together very happily until one day, as they were hunting in the bush, suddenly—whoosh—out of the shadows leapt Lion right onto Leopard’s back and ate him all up.
“O-o-oh!” said Cat. “I see Leopard is not the finest creature in all the jungle. It is Lion.”
So Cat went to live with Lion.
They lived together very happily until one day, as they were stalking through the forest, a large shape loomed overhead, and –fu-chu—Elephant put one foot on top of Lion and squashed him flat.
“O-o-o-oh!” said Cat. “I see Lion is not the finest creature in all the jungle. It is Elephant.”
So Cat went to live with Elephant. She climbed up onto his back and sat purring on his neck, right between his two ears.
The lived together happily until one day, as they were moving through the tall reeds down by the river—pa-wa—there was a loud bang, and Elephant sank down onto the ground.
Cat looked around and all she could see was a small man with a gun.
“O-o-o-o-oh!” said Cat. “I see Elephant is not the finest creature in all the jungle. It is Man.”
So Cat walked after Man all the way to his home, and jumped up onto the thatch of his hut.
“At last,” said Cat, “I have found the finest creature in all the jungle.”
She lived up in the thatch of the hut very happily and began to catch the mice and rats that lived in that village. Until one day, as she sat on the roof warming herself in the sun, she heard a noise from inside the hut. The voices of Man and his wife grew louder and louder until—wara-wara-wara…yo-we! —out came Man, tumbling head over heels into the dust.
“Aha!” said Cat. “Now I do know who is truly the finest creature in all the jungle. It is Woman.”
She came down from the thatch, went inside the hut, and sat by the fire.
And that is where she’s been ever since.


This lovely  book celebrates Afrikas folktales . In this book the reader is introduced to the Kenyan lion Simba , the snake with seven heads and many tricksters from the Zulu folklore. This book allows us to know the history of myths . It talks about the animals of Africa and how they came to be. Lessons about  disobedience are thought  in this book and also about the underdog. It was Edited by Neslon Mandela 

This falls under folktale and flirts with the African style of folk tale stories.   

Student Activities 
Activities 1: These are my favorite kinds of children books for these class room activities I would use each theme as a life lesson for my students. Each student would choose a tale and read it at home I would then have every student come back and teach the class a 2 minute lesson on what they learned . It could be about never giving up , equality, obedience , or courage . I believe in exercises that allow the students to communicate among each other 

Activities 2 : For this second exercise I would have all of students choose a folktale form the book and create a folktale song . I feel that this method will make sure that these stories have an ever lasting impression on each student. 


Mandela was born July 18 1918 . He attended the University of Witwatersrand . he served over 27 years in prison . An international campaign lobbied his release. Mandela was a controversial figure  for much of his life but is remembered for his humility and faith 

Personal Evaluation 
This is a master piece filled with culture and tradition . I would have this book at home to simply have a such a bundle of cultural pride in one book. It is great for all ages, even I am amused my the tales Mandela  chose.

Tag Archives: Nelson mandela. (n.d.). Short Biography. Retrieved from

My Fathers Dragon

My Father's Dragon
Ruth S. Gannett


My Father's Dragon-The story begins when Elmer Elevato runs away with an old alley cat. The cat tells him a story about when he was on Wild Island ago and witnessed a baby dragon being held captive and is forced to bring the locals to whatever destination that they please.  Elmer decides that he needs to save the dragon and so he decides to pack all of his belongings and go to the island Tangerina. With the help of many things, Elmer saves the day by freeing the dragon.


Ruth Styles Gannett wrote My Father's Dragon just a few years after her graduation from Vassar College in 1944. It was an immediate success, becoming a Newbery Honor Book, and was soon followed by two sequels, Elmer and the Dragon and The Dragons of Blueland.

Classroom Activities 

Activity 1 : One activity would be “animal charades”. During this game there would be stuffed animals in a pillow case, one child would then take out the stuffed animal and act it out to the class, the child who guesses the correct animal gets the point.
 Activity 2 :next activity would be “tell me a story”  I would have various items in a paper bag and have students remove an item and create their own story by adding one sentence for each item that has been removed.

Personal  Evaluation 
This book like many other fantasy books teaches determination . I enjoy the imagery in the book as well. These book can be used for entertainment and class lessons  .

 Random House Kids. (n.d.). Ruth Stiles Gannett. Retrieved from

The Magic Tree House

The Magic Tree House Series: Dinosaurs Before Dark 
Mary Pope Osbourne 


Jack and Annie discover a mysterious tree house filled with books, this magical location takes them on exciting adventures filled with history, magic, and mystery. The story begins with adventures of the past when they are both sent to prehistoric settings dealing with dinosaurs . Their goal is to come home before the night fall and they do so without becoming a dinosaurs dinner 

This book falls under the category of fantasy and is a great asset to parents and teachers when working with students to spread their imaginations . These kind of books are great and spread the imagination . This also allows the students to grow in their literary and imagery  skills 

Class Activities 

Class Activity 1: Of these fantasy books . If I were a teacher I would have the students practice their performance skills by dramatizing certain scenes in the play . This book is filled with vivid images that would liven the classroom ; I can only imagine how the students would interpret and re invent these scenes if give the change. 

Class Activity 2: In this activity , I would have my students write a personal adventure that they have been on but I would asked them to write the story by adding characters from The Magic Tree House .


Mary  Osborne  was born on May 20 1949 in Oklahoma . She is an American writer known for her Magic Tree House Series. She spent her youth traveling the world before marrying Will Osborne. In 2013 she received an honorary doctorates from the University of South Carolina 

Personal Evaluation 

These series remind me of Martine , my favorite childhood series and I think that it is exquisite that Osborne uses her series to reach out to different sides of the world and translated into 30 different languages. 

 I also admire another work by her Adaline Falling Stars a novel that deals with the journey of a run away girl. 
Adaline Falling Star

Mary Pope Osborne. (n.d.). Mary Pope Osborne RSS. Retrieved from

Queen Esther The Morning Star

Queen of Esther The Morning Star 
Mordicai Gerstain 


Out of all of the women in Persia  Esther shine like a star . The king Ahaserurus decides that she will be his queen . Her cousins tells her to never reveal that shes a Jew because people hate the Jewish people of the town. When Mordecai is requested to bow down in front of the king he refuses and will only bow down to God. The story teaches a valuable lesson in standing for your beliefs while illustrating  ancient Persia .

This book falls under the category of Non- Fiction  and can be used in schools to show students pride in culture and faith . Meanwhile also educate them on cultural conflicts of the past.

Class Activities 
 This book is a life lesson book it teaches respect , perseverance , and faith. If I was ever a teacher I would want my students to have these qualities .

Activity 1: I would use this activity to teach my students conflict resolution by giving the a few scenarios in the story such as Esthers Religion secret , or Mordecai's stand on his faith and have them discuss how these conflicts can be peacefully resolved. 

Activity 2 : In this writing exercise ; I would have all of my students pair up and give them a mock issue between them and give them 2 minutes to solve the issue. This is to show children that conflicts should not be permanent. 


 Was born November 25 1935 In Los Angelos . He is an American Poet , artist and film director . He is best known as a writer and illustrator of small books . he won the 2004 Caldercott medal for his book The Man Who walked Between Two Towers. 

Personal Evaluation

This small book is phenomenal . I love the cultural exposure and historical lesson it teaches. This is a classroom Keeper !

It is in direct relation to Saint Leo University's core value of Respect . We must respect each others religions and not have any prejudice.  


Mordicai Gerstein. (2014, February 16). Wikipedia. Retrieved from

Gardeners Alphabet

Gardeners Alphabet 
Mary Azarian 


In this book  Mary Azarian invites the readers into her garden to discover its simple joys. This book reveals the variety of life underground. The setting is in  in early spring, this striking alphabet book reminds us that  having a garden is  a great  way ti live closer to the land  and be in  unison with the seasons. 

 This book is under the genre of non - fiction ; it explains joyfully concepts of gardening.

Class Room Activities 

Activity 1 : In the first activity I would have create a  drawing book throughout the  quarter of each letter in the alphabet . This book would have a word for each letter for example . A : Apple B: Bed C: Cat
Activity 2 : For this activity I would have a small indoor garden for my students so that they can experience nature. Bringing in butterflies in their worm phases  and watching them evolve .

Mary Azarian is an American  woodcut artists and a children s book illustrator . In 1999 she won the caldecott medal .

 She grew up on her grandfathers farms in Washington D.C 

After graduating form Smith College she moved to Vermont with her husband . Where she was a school room teacher before becoming a full time artist. 

Azarian has also illustrated  a Farmers Alphabet , another old fashion book that depicts the farm life in Vermont. Her passion is seen in her work . she states 

"I wanted to make my work affordable and decided that it would be a one-woman operation. So when you order a print from me, it will be printed, hand painted, packaged and shipped by me."

Personal Evaluation 

These novels are great for children. I would use a book like this with vivid illustrations to teach my students about nature and how to keep our planet clean.  

Azarian, M. (n.d.). About Mary Azarian. About Mary Azarian.

Amazing Peace

Amazing Peace 

Maya Angelou 

In our joy, we think we hear a whisper.
At first it is too soft.   Then only half heard.
We listen carefully as it gathers strength.
We hear a sweetness.
The word is Peace.
It is loud now.
Louder than the explosion of bombs.

We tremble at the sound.
We are thrilled by its presence.
It is what we have hungered for.
Not just the absence of war.   But true Peace.
A harmony of spirit, and comfort of courtesies.
Security for our beloveds and their beloveds.

We, Angels and Mortals, Believers and Nonbelievers,
Look heavenward and speak the word aloud.
Peace.  We look at each other, then into ourselves,
And we say without shyness or apology or hesitation:

Peace, My Brother.
Peace, My Sister.
Peace, My Soul.


 In this moving moving poem, Maya Angelou inspires us to embrace the peace during Christmas, so that  there can be hope and love in the holidays and the world. 

“Angels and Mortals, Believers and Nonbelievers, look heavenward, and speak the word aloud. Peace.” she says .


This short book is categorized as poetry  and promotes peace of the world. Its is a cultural book that celebrates humanity in peace. These kinds of books can be used in all settings to promote positive and respectful living. 

Class room Activities 

Activity 1 : I would want my students to read this book out loud to feel the authors message. Peace should be promoted in the class room it will evolve into the students life eventually .

Activity 2 : I  would have of my students draw the meaning of peace . Then afterwards present their works to the class. 


Maya Angelou is an American Poet and author . She has published about 7 autobiographies , 3 books of essays and many books of poetry . She is credited with a list of plays , movies and TV shows , with a legacy of over 50 years. She also has over thirty doctoral degrees. 

Personal Comments 
 Maya Angelou humbles my spirit her work delights me and her achievements motivate me ; Her poems always hit home for me especially " Still I rise "

Maya Angelou - Biography. (n.d.). Maya Angelou - Biography. Retrieved from

The Cow in Apple Time

The Cow in Apple Time  

Robert Frost 

This is a humorous ode to a headstrong Holstein that crashes through a stone wall into the apple orchard in a New England farm. Craving these fruits she eats them and the fruit ferments in her stomach which stops her from giving milk. 
" Frost tells his tale in perfect rhyme and with a rhythmic syncopation in the style of early jazz. Amusing and playful, the illustrations present a perfect pairing of word and picture. "

 The cow in the poem is  stubborn . She does not stay in the field and she does not eat what she  a cow should eat. Grass instead of apples  

The poem is very funny , but teaches a life lesson that there are consequences for all of our actions

Classroom Activity 

Activity 1: After reading this poetry book I would have all of my students sit in a  circle and talk about times that they had made poor choices and paid consequences that could have been avoided. These activity would allow each student to learn from one another experiences and make better choices

Activity 2: I would have my students choose moral topics such as Honesty , kindness , loyalty , love , care and  write short poems on on to love , care , and be truthful . 


Robert Frost was born in San Francisco on March 26, 1874. 

 Frost has been  affiliated with various universities in his lifetime.
 He was a Fellow at The University of Michigan a professor at Amherst College 

 Robert owned several farms  this probably gave hims an  an outlook on rural life to write this poem
Dean Yeagle’s , an award-winning illustrator  who has worked for Walt Disney Productions, Warner Bros  uses pencil sketches for the cow and the farm .  

Personal Comments

This small poem is funny and can soften the mood in the classroom . I enjoy poetic style books made for children because they are short and enjoyable 


The Cow in Apple Time Hardcover. (n.d.). The Cow in Apple Time: Robert Frost, Dean Yeagle: 9780975897010: Books

Martine en Avion : Picture Book

Martine En Avion 
Translates Martine on a Plane 
Gilbert Delahaye 

In this wonderful and also on of my childhood favorites apart from Martine au Jardin ( Martin in her Garden) Martine a young girl is on summer break and for the first time is riding a plane .Martine is also traveling with her dog who joins her. The picture book shows all of her adventures in the airport before riding the plane where she sees the most beautiful oceans. 

This picture book is great resource to show children adventure, and making new friends. Delahaye does not use too much text in this book he focuses on 


This is classified as a  picture book with great illustrations from Marciel. Delahaye is known for his Martine books and they have traveled from Europe to the Caribbean and Africa. This book uses vivid pictures to bring the story to life .

Class Room Activities 

Even though this book is in French I would still use it in the class room for imagery purposes  

Activity 1 : Marciel is known for his great art work every picture is usually detailed I would have an activity where all my students would name Martine's surroundings . ( store , car , grass, pen , ect) this would help with spelling and vocabulary . I want to develop these skills at a young age in my students. 

Activity 2 : After reading Martine I would assign a reading assignment  to my students where they would write a small paragraph on their dream  summer vacation


      A Belgian author born march 19 1923. He is best known for Martine  a series of illustrated children's stories .He worked with Marciel Marlier to create these lovely picture books. 

"His book, Martine à la ferme, appears in the 2002 French film, L'Auberge espagnole."

Personal Comments
  I often state that pictures are a great way to allow students to be more involved in classroom activities. Delahaye is my favorite childhood author because of his work with Marciel. In Haiti I used these books in the class room and at home. 

Gilbert Delahaye. (2014, February 16). Wikipedia. Retrieved from

The Colors of Us : Picture Book

The Colors of Us 
Karen Katz


In this  story, Lena is  the   daughter of an artist. She decides to paint a painting of herself. Lena's mother begins to teach her how to mix paints to make "the right brown" for the color of her skin. Lena  responds by saying "brown is brown." 

 The two go for a walk and  see many neighbors who were Lena's friends. The mother identified the colors of their skin with tasty foods. When they returned home , Lena sits down to paint  her portraits of the people they've visited, using different colors to remember all of the beautiful colors she saw. 

This book is under the category of a picture book ,
The Colors of Us is an uplifting book .
The author associates all skin colors  with delicious foods . This form a positive connection in the reader's mind. her mother is the color of French toast; Lena is a cinnamon roll and her best friend, an Asian girl, is the color of honey. 
 The book celebrates  culture and diversity! 
 In  every picture of this book the characters  are smiling, happy, radiant individuals

 No races are  represented in a derogatory  manner and there are no behavioral stereotypes linked to any of the races 
This book celebrates life and the love all man kind. 

Motivational Activities 
This book is a wonderful asset to any classroom , all classrooms are filled with diverse cultures and skin tones. I would use this book to promote love of all races being open minded to adventures

Activity 1 : After reading this book I would provide all students with paint and ask them to paint a portrait of another student. This activity would be used to open the students eyes to all of the diversity in the class room.

Activity 2 : After reading this book I would have each student choose 6 -10 ten words to describe their own skin tone with a pleasurable food .  

Activity 3 : After reading this book ; I would request that each student write a poem about the diversity of skin tones in the class room by using foods also. 

Relative to Saint Leo's Core Value of Respect 
 This short picture book shines a light on respect . A core value that Saint Leo University prides greatly. The campus is filled with students of all races. This book values respect and the university does.

Karen Katz
Karen Katz is a New York native who made a living as  an illustrator and graphic designer. Her first book, Over the Moon, is about her daughter Lena's adoption. 

Lena is from Guatemala, the diversity in her home was the inspiration for  Colors of Us .

Personal Comments 

This book is lovely and an asset for school and home . Katz does an excellent at showing cultural diversity is a manner that was not negative . I applaud her work

 The Colors of Us Analysis. (n.d.). The Colors of Us Analysis. Retrieved from