Sunday, February 16, 2014

Queen Esther The Morning Star

Queen of Esther The Morning Star 
Mordicai Gerstain 


Out of all of the women in Persia  Esther shine like a star . The king Ahaserurus decides that she will be his queen . Her cousins tells her to never reveal that shes a Jew because people hate the Jewish people of the town. When Mordecai is requested to bow down in front of the king he refuses and will only bow down to God. The story teaches a valuable lesson in standing for your beliefs while illustrating  ancient Persia .

This book falls under the category of Non- Fiction  and can be used in schools to show students pride in culture and faith . Meanwhile also educate them on cultural conflicts of the past.

Class Activities 
 This book is a life lesson book it teaches respect , perseverance , and faith. If I was ever a teacher I would want my students to have these qualities .

Activity 1: I would use this activity to teach my students conflict resolution by giving the a few scenarios in the story such as Esthers Religion secret , or Mordecai's stand on his faith and have them discuss how these conflicts can be peacefully resolved. 

Activity 2 : In this writing exercise ; I would have all of my students pair up and give them a mock issue between them and give them 2 minutes to solve the issue. This is to show children that conflicts should not be permanent. 


 Was born November 25 1935 In Los Angelos . He is an American Poet , artist and film director . He is best known as a writer and illustrator of small books . he won the 2004 Caldercott medal for his book The Man Who walked Between Two Towers. 

Personal Evaluation

This small book is phenomenal . I love the cultural exposure and historical lesson it teaches. This is a classroom Keeper !

It is in direct relation to Saint Leo University's core value of Respect . We must respect each others religions and not have any prejudice.  


Mordicai Gerstein. (2014, February 16). Wikipedia. Retrieved from

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